FAQs - Cancer Support Community
Community is stronger than cancer.®

What is Cancer Support Community?

Cancer Support Community is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive psychological and social support to people with cancer and their families. Our services include weekly support groups, educational workshops, mind/body/spirit programs, exercise and stress management programs, nutrition management, and networking/social activities.

Who comes to Cancer Support Community?

Individuals with cancer who desire to improve the quality of their lives and be an active partner along with their physicians and healthcare team. Men and women of all ages and all types of cancer diagnoses are welcome. People who have had cancer and have completed medical treatments also attend to maintain their health while focusing on survivorship issues. Family, friends and support persons are also welcome. No referral is needed to participate in the programs and services.

Can support people come even if the person with cancer doesn’t want to?

Yes! We have specific groups designated for family and friends of a person with cancer. Individuals can come and share their experiences, learn ways to effectively support the person with cancer, and also learn how to take care of themselves during the process. We offer the support person an array of support groups, educational workshops and stress management programs.

What does it cost to participate?

Absolutely nothing! All programs and services offered at Cancer Support Community are FREE OF CHARGE. Cancer Support Community is a not-for-profit organization supported by community-minded individuals and businesses, charitable foundations and special fundraising events.

How do I become involved in the programs at Cancer Support Community?

We invite you to attend one of our Newcomers’ Orientation Meetings to learn more about the programs and services we offer. The meetings are held weekly and are led by a cancer survivor that has been involved in our program. Please refer to our program calendar for exact dates and times.

Do participants follow a specific program?

Participants at Cancer Support Community are able to choose the programs/services that they feel most comfortable with and that will help to improve their own well-being. Participants are never asked to participate in any program that they are not comfortable with. Some may choose to simply visit Cancer Support Community rather than be alone.

Are medical services available at Cancer Support Community?

No. Cancer Support Community does not have a medical staff. Individuals seek their own medical treatment as they deem necessary.

Is Cancer Support Community program an alternative to medical treatment?

No. The program is meant to support the treatment prescribed by the patient’s healthcare team and is not a substitute for conventional medical care. While the medical profession fights cancer on the physical front, Cancer Support Community helps people with cancer learn techniques to help them fight on the psychosocial front.

How can I make a contribution to Cancer Support Community?

Contributions are always welcome and greatly appreciated. There are a variety of ways to contribute. Please refer to How You Can Help or call us directly at 610.861.7555.